Thursday, December 17, 2020

 The Healing of an Old Wound


Denny Daikeler

It has been a day of business. I awakened realizing there were bills due, Christmas ideas to fulfill, chores to complete.  It was a long enough list to make me crazy.  I added to that a message from a tarot card reader, who was proclaiming that even before I arrived on the planet there was an event that now was threatening my safety and deserved some ritual (that he would complete) to eliminate all problems…. not by my choosing or dealing… but him fixing!

It caught me at first.  I guess my being off balance contributed to that.  I was quickly moving toward asking him for the ritual that yes, would clear me from any harm and without any participation from me.

But I caught myself.  I recognized that varmit.  The old wound that allowed me to again feel the lack of solidarity and trust within me… that was suspect of those that cared.  But I was awake today. I was trusting in me and remembering I had already dealt with that.  I recognized it, and was even able to not go there… to reject the fear, the hurt.

. I always have choices to move to trust (!) to know all is well no matter what!

A pride crept in, a new strength, a new me. My sight was much clearer. Yes!  I had choices and new ways of responding, and I was ready to wallow in doing just that!  To welcome the trust that can be my choice, putting aside fear or anything that takes away that precious peace. 

It was a big hole I filled up just then in myself, a new consciousness, a new me.  And that light I felt around me, it was due to all my choosing new ways away from fear and lack, and a kiss of promise, to remember!  I’m in love!

Love,  Denny

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