Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Gift of Grace

 Grace gives me room to roam and a welcoming place to return.

"My progress along my spiritual journey has not always been smooth and predictable. There are times when busyness and distraction have pulled me away from my spiritual practices... And yet, I return to my path, resume my practices, and regain my faith through the gift of grace... Through grace, I am free to question and explore, knowing I am always at home in the heart of God."

From 1 Corinthians 15:10 - By the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me has not been in vain.

The above is all from August 10 when the Unity Daily Word was Grace. I especially LOVE the idea that "I am always at home in the heart of God."

And so it is.

~ Jean

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Through the Lens of Gratitude

I begin and end each day in gratitude.

At the end of July, here it was again: a Unity Daily Word Grateful: a way to greet the day when I get up in the morning and a way to release the day when I get ready to go to sleep at night. (See previous posts.) Quoting from the meditation: "Today I view the world through a lens of gratitude, and I practice it every chance I get."

More recently there have been two DW from August 7 and 8: Prosperity and Protected. Here are excerpts:

I carry a spirit of gratitude for everything the day will bring.

Through my oneness with God, I feel protected.

Part of the meditation from Protected is: "The sun always rises after the longest, darkest night. I remind myself of this truth and feel grateful as I allow the light of spiritual understanding to release and reclaim whatever power I may have unwittingly given to a fear-based thought."

I am visiting my mom in Illinois for two weeks. Part of my purpose while with her is to prepare her to move to assisted living. Yesterday she had a fall - very minor and she wasn't hurt but she couldn't get herself back up off the floor. She wears a call bracelet and pushed the button for help. The staff at her Life Care facility came right over to her townhouse and called immediately called paramedics who helped her get up and ascertained she didn't need the hospital. THE SYSTEM WORKED. I am so grateful.

When we began looking into assisted living for my mom, the primary reason for moving her was if she was not safe any more living independently. I don't know what other people have experienced with elderly parents but my siblings and I think it's time but our mother doesn't - at least she didn't 3 weeks ago before her fall. She and my dad purposely chose to move into a life care facility 25 years ago specifically so they had all the levels of care when they needed them.

And so I release my fears and feel such gratitude that the safety system put in place by the Life Care facility worked - We frequently reminded my mom: if you fall or have any other problem, push the button first - only after that call one of us kids. And she did. I'm so grateful she remembered and was able to push the button. And I am grateful that she can move to a nice place with nearby professional medical assistance, as much or as little as she needs.

Thank you God.

~ Jean


Thursday, August 12, 2021

A Prayer of Wonder

I was in such a bad mood yesterday. I don't know why but there it was. When my dog wanted to just be outside and sniff around our yard which isn't fenced in, I was with her on leash. (I actually consider the leash constraining me as much as her so I love when she can be off leash and we both travel safely at our own paces.) I wandered with her, grousing that she was so boring, that I was bored. Actually I knew in that moment that she was nowhere near bored. She was loving being outside, fascinated by every smell and every little twig she could chew on and watching that bird fly by and that bee buzz by and jumping to try to catch a butterfly flitting by. She was happy, I was not.

This morning I read a chapter called Knowing the Heart from My Grandfather's Blessings by Rachel Naomi Remen, MD. That chapter ends with this Jewish Prayer How Filled With Awe from Gates of Prayer, A Jewish Prayerbook:

Days pass and the years vanish and we walk sightless among miracles.
Lord, fill our eyes with seeing and our minds with knowing.
Let there be moments when your Presence, like lightning, illumines the darkness in which we walk.
Help us to see, wherever we gaze, that the bush burns, unconsumed.
And we, clay touched by God, will reach out for holiness and exclaim in wonder,
“How filled with awe is this place and we did not know it.”

The last line of this prayer reminds me of the lyrics "Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place" from the hymn Surely the Presence, composed by Lanny Wolfe in 1977, portions of which we have sung at Unity for years. All I needed to do was substitute "the Lord" with "awe." Here are all the lyrics:

Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
I can feel His mighty power and His grace
I can hear the brush of angel’s wings
I see glory on each face
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place

In the midst of His children the Lord said He would be
It doesn’t take very many
It can be just two or three
And I feel that same sweet spirit that I’ve felt so many times before
Surely I can say I’ve been with the Lord

Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
I can feel His mighty power and His grace
I can hear the brush of angel’s wings
I see glory on each face
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place

There’s a holy hush around us as His glory fills this place
I’ve touch the hem of His garment
I can almost see His face
And my heart is overflowing with the fullness of His joy
I know without a doubt I’ve been with the Lord

Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
I can feel His mighty power and His grace
I can hear the brush of angel’s wings
I see glory on each face
Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place

Oh surely the presence of the Lord is in this place

For the last week or so we have been having a wonderful respite from the heat and humidity we often experience in New Jersey in the summer. Yesterday was one of those days. I missed an opportunity to be mindful, to be grateful and to be present.

This morning was another one of those days. I woke up renewed, the fans spinning in my open window bringing into my bedroom cool, refreshing air. I woke early and opened Remen's book to read a couple chapters. I'm so glad I did. I call this a "wake up call." I pray: “How filled with awe is this place and I did not know it.” I will know it and I will not waste this day!

Note: I wrote this several weeks ago but didn't post it until today. It still speaks to me and maybe to you too.

~ Jean

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Underlined Excerpts - July 2021

I had some great underlining thoughts this month (of course I do every month). Here are a few that I haven't already mentioned in my other posts.

July 3 - Ease. "Through the gentle stillness of indwelling Spirit, I know ease. I remember at this very moment (and every moment), I can access the kingdom and every divine blessing through my connection with Spirit. From Matthew 11:30 - For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

July 10 - Rest. "In the stillness of God's peace, I rest. Far from a luxury or indulgence, rest is an integral part of my life. My soul responds to my restful interludes by sinking deeply into the awareness of my oneness with God."

July 14 - Focus. "I keep my thoughts focused on God. From Jeremiah 29:13 - When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart."

This is The Golden Key by Emmet Fox in a nutshell. I just want to remember this sooner rather than later when I'm dwelling on a situation or stuck on what to do next.

The Golden Key ... contains just one central thought: “Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead.” First printed in 1931 at the height of the Great Depression, its message is clear, its language simple. Fox called it “a practical guide for getting out of trouble,” and thousands of people have found it to be just that. from

July 15 - Awake. "Upon awakening, I face a day filled with infinite possibilities."

Here is just one of the many ways for me to greet each day.

July 19 - Inner Peace. "The peace of God is in my mind and heart. The news of the world has no power over me. From Psalm 34:14 - See peace, and pursue it."

My spiritual path has taken me to many different physical churches over the years. I suppose I have learned life lessons along the way. But and this is a big but: I never felt that I was given ways to live. Unity's tag line is "a positive path for spiritual living." Nowhere else have I gained so much insight and practical guidelines for living my life in a centered, healthy way. The excerpts I have included here are some of them. I am so grateful.

~ Jean


Going on Hiatus

 Dear Unity friends, I have decided to take a break from posting to Unity's Touchstone. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season. With l...