Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Underlined Excerpts - June 2021

On the very first day of June (Unity Daily Word: Adventurous) I put a big star by this affirmation:

I live my life as a continuous adventure.

"Life is meant to be lived fully even if it means taking some risks. With an adventurous spirit, I open my mind to the possibilities around me."

This is such a great way to greet each day (see my post of May 27, 2021).

June 2 - Wisdom. From 1 Kings 3:12 - I now do according to your word. Indeed I give you a wise and discerning mind; no one like you has been before you and no one like you shall arise after you. (This fits into next week's post on Incomparable - a teaser!) 

Several decades ago I took a workshop on spiritual gifts. Mine turned out to be discernment. This gift has helped me to understand many things over the years since then; it appears in several of my underlinings this month and I am grateful.

June 3 - Silence. "In the stillness, my soul is enfolded in peace. True silence is a destination, a place of deep, abiding peace and tranquility."

As I study Mindfulness with my book group, I turn to silence more and more often for peace and understanding.

June 4 - Prosperity. "When I open my mind and heart to the world around me, I become ever aware of how I abound in prosperity."

June 9 - Rest. "I find my deepest rest in God, where I am closest to Spirit in my mind and heart. I release what is and what will be in faith that the divine presence within is the source of my good." From Matthew 11:28 - Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

This is exercise 2: look for what is changing
(p.s. everything changes)

June 11 - Guidance. "To receive my inner knowing clearly, I quiet my mind to better tune in to the still, small voice, my link to my divine nature...I also can access my guidance, which I may discern as a persistent feeling or a nudge to do something. If my guidance is unclear or difficult to discern, I wait with patience until I can determine how to proceed." From Proverbs 16:9 - The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.

June 22 - Forgive. "Who I am is greater than what I have done. The same is true for all others."

This is the forgiveness quote of the month!

June 25 - Trust. "When I keep my thoughts centered on God, deep peace encircles my heart and blissful clarity permeates my mind. As I live my life from this place, my trust in my ability to discern my inner guidance becomes increasingly strong." From Psalm 143:8 - Let me hear of your steadfast love in the morning, for in you I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

My theme of this month is Mindfulness. Mindfulness comes to me from wisdom, silence, rest, forgiveness, and trust. When I am mindful I am open to what is everywhere around me: adventure, prosperity, and guidance. The illustration is from the book a friend gave me entitled "see your way to mindfulness" by David Schiller.

~ Jean

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