Thursday, July 8, 2021


There are so many reminders outside of ourselves that we are ordinary, imperfect, flawed human beings. We compare ourselves to siblings, coworkers, even total strangers, and find ourselves lacking. We are not smart enough, pretty or handsome enough, not rich enough, not something enough (we all can fill in that blank easily). But we need not do this comparing.

On June 10, 2021, the Unity Daily Word was Shine. Here is an excerpt:

From a great distance, the stars at night shine brightly … If I were able to see the stars from a closer distance, I would see each star as an individual light, no two alike … if even one were missing the sky would not be as bright. I am a star shining my divine light as only I can. No one else has my exact gifts and abilities…

When I read that Daily Word I immediately thought of the following. It's been on my magnet board for a very long time: Over 11 years since Sunday January 31, 2010. From time to time I re-notice and re-read it. It too reminds me that I am special and unique – the only me in the world. My calendar of the day* back in 2010 said this:

“Since you are like no other being ever created since the beginning of time, you are incomparable.” — Brenda Ueland

When I read Brenda Ueland’s words, I take a deep breath and let it out very slowly. I am incomparable. Just letting myself truly know that elicits a feeling of awe and reverence — reverence for myself.

Then on June 24, the Daily Word was Belong. Here is an excerpt:

Among the billions of people on this planet, there is only one me. There is not another soul on earth who can make the unique contributions I am here to make….Embracing and celebrating all that sets me apart helps me to see how each of us is here to do what no other can. Each one of us is a part of the full spectrum of creation, and we all belong.

I know that I am imperfect; I also know that I am perfect in God’s eyes. I hold in my heart and soul that I am unique and incomparable. It feels great!

~ Jean

* I cannot attribute this to the original calendar because I did not record which calendar it came from. My apologies to the original source.

Image: earthsky


  1. This was so beautifully written. It spoke right to my heart. Thank you for sharing, Jean.
    Be well,
    Cathy G

    1. Thanks, Cathy G. Isn't it great that both of our hearts are touched!


Going on Hiatus

 Dear Unity friends, I have decided to take a break from posting to Unity's Touchstone. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season. With l...