Thursday, August 5, 2021

Underlined Excerpts - July 2021

I had some great underlining thoughts this month (of course I do every month). Here are a few that I haven't already mentioned in my other posts.

July 3 - Ease. "Through the gentle stillness of indwelling Spirit, I know ease. I remember at this very moment (and every moment), I can access the kingdom and every divine blessing through my connection with Spirit. From Matthew 11:30 - For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

July 10 - Rest. "In the stillness of God's peace, I rest. Far from a luxury or indulgence, rest is an integral part of my life. My soul responds to my restful interludes by sinking deeply into the awareness of my oneness with God."

July 14 - Focus. "I keep my thoughts focused on God. From Jeremiah 29:13 - When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart."

This is The Golden Key by Emmet Fox in a nutshell. I just want to remember this sooner rather than later when I'm dwelling on a situation or stuck on what to do next.

The Golden Key ... contains just one central thought: “Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead.” First printed in 1931 at the height of the Great Depression, its message is clear, its language simple. Fox called it “a practical guide for getting out of trouble,” and thousands of people have found it to be just that. from

July 15 - Awake. "Upon awakening, I face a day filled with infinite possibilities."

Here is just one of the many ways for me to greet each day.

July 19 - Inner Peace. "The peace of God is in my mind and heart. The news of the world has no power over me. From Psalm 34:14 - See peace, and pursue it."

My spiritual path has taken me to many different physical churches over the years. I suppose I have learned life lessons along the way. But and this is a big but: I never felt that I was given ways to live. Unity's tag line is "a positive path for spiritual living." Nowhere else have I gained so much insight and practical guidelines for living my life in a centered, healthy way. The excerpts I have included here are some of them. I am so grateful.

~ Jean


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